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News outlets are calling this weekend “chaos on the Strip”
in the wake of a burglary where burglars
in pig masks terrorized Bellagio in a bizarre incident as they performed a
heist at the Tesorini store. The burglary was originally thought to be a
shooting as the noise from the glass being broken sounded like gunfire,
however, no guns were found. Later that Saturday, a shooting
in an RTC bus traveling along the Strip left a person dead and another
One of Las Vegas’ biggest secrets is how fraught with
violence the Strip really is. Granted, if you are sober and not engaged in
criminal activity (namely pimping and drug dealing) or a gang member, you will
probably be fine. However, tourism officials and the gaming industry would like
you to think that the Strip is as safe as Disneyland with the addition of booze
and skimpy clothing.
Ocean’s Eleven (the
Steven Soderbergh version) recounted three supposedly unsuccessful casino
robberies. Thieves often hold up casinos’ cages or sportsbooks. It’s no more
unusual than a bank robbery. Casinos, downtown Las Vegas, and the resort
corridor in Paradise have all fallen victim to these kinds of incidents over
the years.
Many in the firearms community discount then need for a
firearm while out on the town in Las Vegas. That it is unnecessary and
potentially hazardous if you are drinking. Casinos and the other various
business generally discourage firearms due to concerns about liability and
drunks or a fear of frightening tourists from places where guns are uncommon
and thus scaring away gaming dollars.
The reason so few casualties occurred in the bus shooting
incident was because the shooter was on the second level of the double-decker
bus towards the back. At midday during cool, Spring weather, buses are
generally fairly empty. Many passengers were able to evacuate the bus to safety
since the shooter was so isolated from other passengers and the exits. Had the
shooter chosen the first level and near an exit, the bus passengers would have
been trapped and shot like fish in a barrel.
One bus driver complained to KNTV “Who is going to protect
the bus drivers?” Many bus drivers carry concealed weapons against policy. RTC
and Metro cannot put armed guards or police officers on every bus. Why not
empower drivers and passengers to defend themselves? Unfortunately, no one with
the ability to affect widespread change will take any such steps. It would not
be surprising at all to see the Democrat controlled legislature try to prohibit
firearms on public buses. This is not a solution, but instead an expansion of
victim disarmament zones.
Nevada law does not prohibit guns in casinos or tourist
areas, either openly or concealed. All private property owners can do is
trespass a citizen who refuses to disarm or leave. Essentially every casino and
major tourist property prohibits firearms, requiring them to be checked with
security. Open carriers find themselves bearing the brunt of this ban for
obvious reasons. Concealed carriers and off-duty/retired cops are almost never
detected or bothered. Most security officers practice a “see no evil” policy
creating an environment where concealed carry is de facto permitted in casinos.
What police brass, politicians, and many gaming executives
fail to understand is the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a
good guy with a gun. The Westgate Las Vegas Resort, formerly the Las Vegas
Hilton, will
be purchasing and evaluating a microwave radar system that will scan guests
for concealed firearms. The device, which looks like a small electronic box,
can be mounted above entry doors and can see through clothing and people to
identify those who are carrying a gun. The system is far more efficient than a
metal detection system as it can scan entire crowds without creating a choke
point as conventional security checkpoints do.
The Westgate is mum about how they will employ it. It’s hard
to see them stopping every guest carrying a concealed pistol, especially if
that person plans to lock it up in their room. Security officers intercepting a
guest with such intentions would surely be alienating to customers. Unless
casinos adopt a monolithic draconian anti-gun policy, individual casinos like
the Westgate will likely face severe backlash from the gun community if gun
owners who simply don’t want to become victims of Strip violence are accosted
and disarmed by casino security.
What’s most likely is that the technology would be installed
in specific area, such as the entrance to nightclubs and concert venues, where
metal detectors and security are already present. These venues tend to attract
certain people who, often aided by alcohol or drugs, are likely to engage in
violence. This would create a less intrusive security screening checkpoint and
move people in and out more efficiently.
Gamblers, shoppers, restaurant diners, casual drinkers, and
tourists strolling the Strip are not a security threat. A Big Brother type
system scanning bodies for concealed firearms will do nothing except offend
legal citizens who want to spend money or create so many false positives that
the system is useless. It does nothing in public areas, such as sidewalks,
where no one can prohibit carrying a firearm even openly. Simply knowing
someone is armed does no one any benefit. Real security, including allowing
citizens to have the tools to react against a threat, will not only deter
violence but save lives as well.
Armed casino security is not a panacea. Casino security
staff ranges from highly competent officers at near police quality to rent a cops
who have their
guns stolen. Many security officers take their firearms training seriously
and are true assets to the gun community. Generally, when security falls to the
hands of individual officers, they operate with discretion. No doubt that these
quality officers would, if they were in a position to do so, try to end a mass
shooting. Yet just like police, security cannot be everywhere and there is
often no security on the Strip itself, on buses, or when going to/coming from a
Citizens and tourists should never be disarmed because a
board room succumbs to anti-gun hysteria, conflating everyone who carries a gun
with gun violence. Too many businesses post “no guns” signs or setup security
theater, such as metal detectors with staff merely going through the motions, for
reasons they cannot explain. Perhaps it is a notion of liability that our
litigious society encourages or simply a business superstition that signs are
some sort of talisman warding off crime. Tourists aren’t scared by armed
citizens; many assume that since this is the United States or the West, that it
is as common as seeing celebrities in Malibu. At the worst, they see it as
boorish and unnecessary.
As this weekend has shown us, despite the 99% of the time
everything is copacetic, 1% of the time a gun will be needed in the hands of a
good guy to save the day. Casinos need to remember that concealed carry (and
open carry as well) is harmless. It is the criminal, terrorist, or psychopath
that you cannot deter or detect that is the threat. Make people feel safe on
the Strip by letting them take their own defense into their own hands. Let
terrorists, criminals, and would-be murderers know that any shooting spree in
Las Vegas will be a short one.
The mundane aspects of security focus on drunk patrons
behaving badly or the criminally inclined adhering to their criminal nature. At
the more common extreme, gang members, drug dealers, and pimps causing violence
on the Strip, like the
shooting/car crash of several years ago. This weekend’s events were
certainly uncommon, but it has happened before and will happen again. Instead
of focusing closely on prohibiting guns as a panacea to violence, police and
casinos need to focus on multivariate threats such as the car attacks that have
become common in Europe. The tourist packed sidewalks are a repeat of the Nice tragedy waiting
to happen.
So all tourists and visitors to the Strip are reminded that
it isn’t a safe place. It’s not terribly dangerous either, but there is no
reason to go there unarmed. Furthermore, the gaming industry should be on
notice that disarming customers does not make anyone safety, it just makes it
easier for a killer to take lives.
Agree with everything you stated 100 percent.